Two clocks in my living room. One runs fast, the other runs slow, at about the same rate. I can either guess the time by splitting the difference or I can refer to a clock that is accurate, such as a cell phone or US Naval Observatory. Sometimes people think it is OK to guesstimate the revelation of God by riding the fence between two views. Be not deceived. The Bible is clear concerning the essentials of salvation.
The person who tells time by guessing between two clocks can be called a two timer. The person who does not build his belief system strictly on the Bible is a spiritual two timer.
In order to not offend other people, some folks, who have been taught the sound Biblical doctrine of Wesleyan/Arminianism, compromise Biblical revelation. This is partially because the Wesleyan position teaches love, humility and unity. Unfortunately, none of those precious treasures are secured or shared by denying God's revealed plan of salvation.
However, those who have espoused the false doctrines of Calvinism do not compromise their beliefs, such as; God does not love the world, Christ did not die for the sins of the whole world, God did not give free will to humans, God does not hold sinning people accountable for their sins and faithlessness, God unilaterally and unconditionally elects some to salvation and others to hopeless damnation. There is no truth in these doctrines.
God is not glorified by false humility and spineless compromise. We are told to preach the truth in love. I can love a person who believes a false doctrine. In fact, I do not truly love a person if I see them clinging to a lie and silently stand by, though their soul depends on God's plan of salvation.
I am sorry that people mistake my hatred for false doctrine as a hatred for those who are held captive by false doctrine. Remember, Jesus said, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.