Friday, July 28, 2017

08/21/10 A METAPHOR

08/21/10 A METAPHOR

I just recently posted the importance of letting God determine our agendas and set our schedules. Subsequently I wrote this little metaphor. It is short, therefore inadequate and it is not intended to be a doctrinal study. It is simply a little story to help us think about God's call to reach a lost and dying world.

(short and incomplete, but hopefully thought provoking).

The job is EVANGELIZING the world. Evangelizing is the proclamation of the gospel to a lost and dying world. While we want to see the world converted, we cannot control whether a person will be converted, but we can control whether we will evangelize those around us.

There are also support ministries that help promote the main job of evangelizing, such as; education, medicine, agriculture, feeding the hungry, providing water. The more support ministries, the greater the possibility of JOB #1 bearing fruit, which is the winning of the lost to Christ.

The owner, designer, distribution manager are responsible for determining the job order.

God is the Owner, Designer and Distribution Manager, and He has said for us to evangelize the whole world, beginning where we live and reaching out to the whole world.

The size of the job dictates the size of the machine needed to do the job. All things being equal, the more machines, and the bigger the machines, and the more diversified the machines, the more work can be accomplished by that machinery. When there is a lack of machinery, there is a lack of productivity.

Believers are like the cogs and levers in a machine. The more cogs and the more levers the greater will be the output of the machine. When there are broken cogs and levers, when there are unused parts, when the parts are not fitted together correctly, then the work does not get done.

When there are not enough parts to run a fully functional machine, the Machinist has to arrange, align and adapt the existing machinery to do what should be done by a more adequate machine. Sometimes smaller machines are overworked.

The more believers and churches involved in doing the work of God, the more people will be evangelized. Church growth, leadership and training are part of reaching the world.

A machine without power is a monstrosity. It takes up space and resources, but it produces nothing.

A church without the power of the Holy Spirit is a monstrosity. God has provided enough power to individuals and churches for them to do the work He has called them to do. There is no a lack power for those who are filled with the Holy Spirit. Individuals and churches both need the anointing and filling of the Holy Spirit.

A fueled machine needs to be oiled to keep the moving parts working efficiently. Oil keeps the friction down and extends the usefulness of the machine.

The Holy Spirit is the Oil that keeps the Church running smoothly and efficiently. Again, individuals and churches need the life giving Oil of the Holy Spirit to help them through the difficult and destructive challenges of life.

Think about this...
What part do I play in the work of God?
Am I doing the work to which He is calling me?
Am I the working part in the local church that He wants me to be?
Am I seeking His leading, empowering, anointing to be the part and do the work, to which He is calling me?
Is my local church moving as efficiently, as smoothly and productively as it can, based on my participation?
What can I do to help my church accomplish its mission in my community and my world?