For all of those who boldly spout-off their views of, fair minded, (supposed) equal justice for all, (so-called) freedom of religion for all religions; you are ushering in the most intolerant, vicious, unjust religious/political system in the world. when they have the upper hand Christian faith will be outlawed. And please, be very careful about lecturing me on your view of suffering and dying for Christ. Got family?
Once Islam is in charge, there will be no justice, mercy or freedom. For those who doubt this, they need to READ A BOOK. For those who think persecution is some romantic adventure, they need to OBEY GOD WHEN IT COSTS SOMETHING,then they will find out that it is not fun and games.
Should Christians be prepared to suffer? YES! Should Christians expect to be persecuted? YES, AGAIN!! Will God keep and bless those who follow Him fully? YES, YES, YES!!! God will be more than sufficient for whatever trial we face and endure. But, God does not want us to suffer unnecessarily, and He does not want our children to be terrorized, possibly to the point of blasphemy and He does not want Satan to take people captive in this world and into the next.
Oh, and by the way, it will not just be Bible believing Christians who suffer the wrath of the god of Islam, it will be anyone and everyone that does not become compliant to its oppressive and murderous rule.
One more thought. The USA will suffer more than other countries. Think of it this way; when a law enforcement agent goes to jail, for breaking the law, he becomes the target of the most vile and vicious treatment. Since, the USA has been the biggest problem Islam has had to deal with, Muslims will vent their anger and also make an example of the “Great Devil.” It will not be your friendly Muslim neighbor in charge, it will be the Koran toting, sword wielding true Muslim in charge. Look at Muslim controlled countries.
Do not depend on the ballot to save America. Do not trust in the bullet to save America. Do not count on America being saved. The only hope for anyone is a complete surrender to Jesus Christ. He is the Prince of Peace. He will have mercy. But, beware, when He comes back, He does not come as a sheep to the slaughter, He comes as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah; He does not come as a Savior, He comes as a Judge; He does not come as a suffering servant, He comes as the King of kings, to rule and to reign, with a rod of iron, to crush His enemies under His feet.
Now is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation.