Grown men with stuffed toys.
Confession time. About 25 years ago our church ministry in Greensboro, N. C. fell afoul of the law. The State threatened to raid our church, take our children and put me (and others) in jail.
We continued to meet illegally. I would come to meetings with a duffle bag (prepared to go to jail).
Joanna (age 5/6) gave me a little Tye (?) baby in a convict uniform. I use to carry it with me, wherever I went.
C'mon, there was a fleeting moment that you thought that either I, or my church must have done something bad.
C'mon, there was a fleeting moment that you thought that either I, or my church must have done something bad.
NOPE. Just remember,
Not everything legal is moral.
Not everything moral is legal.
Not everything illegal is immoral
Not everything immoral is illegal.