Friday, July 28, 2017



There is nothing in Christianity that is bad for anyone, anywhere, anytime. The only people who reject Biblical Christianity (true Christianity) are those who want to hold on to their chosen sins. The only "reason" for rejecting Christ and His salvation is because people do not want to come under the holy rule of the sovereign, holy, eternal and only God.

People claim that God is too restrictive. Yet they turn to lifestyles, religions, organizations and philosophies which are far more restricting and authoritarian.
Or, they pass judgment on Christian standards without examining the origin, intention and authenticity of such standards.
Or, they resist authority in their own lives, yet impose authority on other people.
Or, they are simply libertarian or libertine and do not believe in any rule over their lives at all.

People claim that the claims of Christ and the Bible are not reasonable, yet they have not examined them or they hold them to a different standard than other disciplines of life.

After we look at all of the excuses people have for not trusting, following Christ, it all comes down to a matter of holding on to personal sin rather than accepting Divine authority.

Salvation is available to the whole world, because it is obtained through faith, which is the gift of God, rather than through wealth, works, station or self denial.

Every society prospers, advances and improves when Biblical Christianity is allowed free expression and when Christian moral principles are held forth as the social standard.

Therefore, it can be said,

There is everything in Christianity that is good for everyone, everywhere, all of the time.

Only a fool would reject Christ.