Friday, July 28, 2017



Just a thought. I wonder how many people think that freedom of religion was intended for all religions in this country?

I have been lurking (and discussing) in various places, and the answer is, "WOW! not only are there SOME people who mistakenly believe that the First Amendment was intended to be applied to all religions, there are NUMBERS of people (who should know better), who also believe this absurdity."

Freedom of Religion was not guaranteed for Muslims, Hindus or even Mormons (who would come on the scene at a later date). It guaranteed religious freedom to those of the Christian faith.

People of other faiths were allowed to practice their faith, provided it did not conflict with the basic principles of law, based upon Judeo/Christian revelation.

It amazes me that people can be confused about this fact. There is basically nothing in the Christian faith that is contrary to the fundamental principles of the land. While there were some principles and laws that were not Christian, generally, Christians were not required to disobey their faith. While some of those laws were imposed on Christians, they were adjusted at a later date to allow Christians freedom to follow their beliefs.

Two reasons we have such confusion today.
First (and foremost), we have moved away from a basic understanding and submission to the rule of God in public life.
Second, we have moved away from the original intent of the Founding Fathers.

The solution is not to accommodate all religions (since that would be impossible, given that some "religions" would force others to yield to their authority), nor is it to deny other religions, if it means denying the one true faith, which is Christianity.

The answer for Christians is, OBEY GOD, NOT MAN, when there is a conflict. We are headed toward this showdown in our country, and only those who have a deep faith in Christ will stand true under persecution.