Sunday, July 23, 2017

07/09/10 ENTHUSIASM...

07/09/10 ENTHUSIASM...

Have you ever noticed that it sometimes takes a firebrand to stir excitement in an activity?
Some folks are igniters, some are kindling, others are either softwood, or hardwood or coal.

Beware of those who are asbestos.

Be a spiritual incendiary.

The word "enthusiasm," comes from two Greek words; En, which means, "in" and Theos, which means, "God." Enthusiasm originally meant possessed by God or indwelt by God or infilled by God. Today it simply means excitement.

However, Christians ought to bring a God ignited excitement into the various arenas of life, but especially into the arena of spiritual warfare and worship. Our enthusiasm should be contagious, incendiary, especially in our service to God and one another.