Saturday, July 22, 2017


Why do believers get weary in well doing? Answers based on Saturday FB post.

People collapse or "go dark" under incessant false accusation from friends and family.
Believers and churches lose their anointing as they lose their focus.
Nothing succeeds like success and not fails like failure.
Satan falsely accuses the brethren in order to rob us of our Great Adventure.

Most people do not like to be thought of as radical, especially by family or friends or people who claim to be believers. Christians do not want to be thought of as holding radical beliefs.

Well, this ministry, this church is the wrong church to be part of if you are not willing to be thought of as holding strange and radical beliefs.

This church teaches that God can save us from all sin in this present life, because the Bible says so. AND THAT IS RADICAL.

This church teaches that God can and will purify believers in this life to be as pure as Christ is, because the Bible says so. AND THAT IS RADICAL.

This church teaches that Christians are to be non-violent peacemakers, loving our enemies, because the Bible says so. AND THAT IS RADICAL.

This church teaches that husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the Church and that wives should obey their husband, because the Bible says so. AND THAT IS RADICAL.

This church teaches that God has intended for men to be the head of their households and to hold the office of pastor, because the Bible says so. AND THAT IS RADICAL.

This church teaches that the dead in Christ shall rise and believers who are alive on the earth will be transformed to meet Christ in the air at the Pre-Tribulational and Pre-Millennial Rapture, because the Bible says so. AND THAT IS RADICAL.

This church teaches that there will be a literal seven years of Tribulation, One World Government, One World Economy, One World Religion, under the authority of the world leader, the antiChrist, who will go into a literal Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, claiming to be God, because this is what the Bible says. AND THAT IS RADICAL.

This church teaches that Christ will literally rule the world from Jerusalem for a literal thousand year reign, and believers will reign with Him, because the Bible says so. AND THAT IS RADICAL.

This church teaches that there is only one Head over the Church and believers do not answer to anyone else for our service to God, because the Bible says so. AND THAT IS RADICAL.

We must not be deceived into denying what God has said, and we must not be pressured into denial.

I have seen people Deceived, Deactivated and Destroyed because they did not want to be different from other churches or other believers.