Friday, July 28, 2017



Making Tracts. DANCING ON THIN CONCRETE. I make home made tracts to use in personal ministry & outreach. I have them formatted to fit on 4x6 plain index cards, folded into 4x3 booklets. I adapt the message to specific needs & then offer the tract to that person. Below I give the background & text of one of my tracts. I will share some of these from time to time & hope you get a blessing from the messages.

Most people are not aware that they will suddenly give an account before God. People also PRESUME that they are going to be given a free pass to heaven, without a personal faith in Christ and His salvation. This tract addresses this fallacy. I have numbered (the pages) as they appear in the booklet. At the end of the tract, I invite people to contact me for more information (phone number and email).


Years ago a wedding party of about 600 people was celebrating when the dance floor collapsed beneath them. Those who were partying were focused on the pleasure of the moment, unaware of the thin concrete dance floor's danger.

Their joy turned to sudden and final horror as the floor fell several stories. Video captured the moment when music and dancing ended and the entire party disappeared amid screams of terror and looks of horror.

Likewise, people are partying, oblivious to the impending dangers of a faulty foundation. People trust in popular but erroneous beliefs concerning eternity.

They are not skating on the thin ice of radicalism or fanaticism, but they are dancing on the faulty beliefs of societal norms. They have the same desires and actions as the people around them, so how could there be any problem with their lives or beliefs?

However, they are standing on a weak foundation, partying like there is no tomorrow. Their laughter will be turned to terror, their security will be turned to disaster. They would never skate on thin ice but they assume their spiritual foundation is safe and sound, while they are dancing on thin concrete.

The Bible says this life will suddenly give way to the horrors of the next world, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth; where there is eternal

punishment for sin and where the cry of human torment never ceases. The moment of transition will bring a sudden change from celebration and revelry to suffering and punishment. The moment of this life's fleeting pleasures will give way to eternal separation from God. There will come a moment when the facade and pretense of this world will be swept away and the reality of eternal destiny will come rushing up to meet those who have chosen to live their lives without the love, forgiveness, presence and mercy of Christ. A life lived without Jesus leads to eternity without God. People who presume on God's mercy are dancing on thin concrete and will only realize the error of their way when the bottom drops out and they are lost forever.

Believe that you have sinned against God. Believe that you deserve to be separated from God for eternity in eternal punishment. Believe that God removes your sin through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross. Believe that Jesus died for your sins and that He rose again from the dead. Confess and turn from your sins, believe on Jesus as your Rescuer and you shall be saved from the dark night of eternal separation and the eternal torment which awaits you.

Don't Dance On Thin Concrete!

Why I Use Tracts
I like to use tracts because it gives people a chance to think about the message on their own time; it gives them a way to contact you later; it gives opportunity to address specific issues; I am also offering something I did and I can ask them to let me know what they think about the story/poem.. Also, when used as a calling card (Let me give you this little tract I wrote, it has my number/email) I can give message along with my number.