Friday, July 28, 2017



The argument that FREEDOM OF RELIGION should guarantee the right of Islam to have a mosque near GROUND ZERO is a farce, because there is no absolute freedom of religion in USA, even for Christian churches. Our church cannot get access to a building (even with owner approval) if it is in an Adult Entertainment Zone (tattoo parlors), & no Christian legal group will fight it. AND THE LIE GETS BIGGER.

... the State will not allow our church to occupy a building that is in a great location, even if the owner approves of our occupancy, because there is either a liquor store or a tattoo parlor within a given distance.

The Church should never be denied access to an area on any such codes. Certainly it should never be denied to go where the sin is strongest.

... Also, I do not know of a single Christian advocacy group who will fight for our right to take our ministry to the gates of hell, and I have talked to the the biggest and best in the land.

Don't believe everything you hear about freedom of religion from the media or the government, or even from uninformed Christians.

... BTW, I am not CRYING about it. I am CRYING ALOUD about it. I know what the social, economic, religious, political, moral landscape is like and I know that God will still accomplish His will, though He is allowing the Cup of Iniquity to be filled at the present time.

I do not say these things because I feel "put upon" by the anyone. I say these things so others will know the truth and not be caught off guard; so they will know where the enemy is working; so they will not put their hope in lost causes.

Also, adult entertainment includes much more than the two weak examples I gave. However, these are the two adult businesses that PROHIBIT the Church from occupying a building in this shopping center or area.

In the past, I have had a church building that was attached to a bar. I would operate a ministry next to a strip club or any other business, if I could.

I told the CODE MAN that I would not expect the City to evict the adult businesses if we were able to use the building, but he said the State of South Carolina would not allow it.

WOW, SIN IS NOW PROTECTED BY THE GOVERNMENT. I think not. Sin is protected by the anarchists that have taken over the government. Sin is now protected by the people that have been put in office by people who thought they were going to protect the righteous and punish the wicked.

Those government officials, whether elected or bureaucrat, who protect wickedness and punish the righteous are the enemies of God, whether they wear a uniform or they occupy the White House.

Do not be partakers of their sin.

... Oh, another thought, while I am thinking about it.

There are some things we cannot do, because the it is not simply a matter of our own choosing; such as occupying a building that is not ours.

However, when we are Biblical, we can obey God, even if it means paying a price.

We must make sure that we believe in our cause, because God will honor us for being obedient to His will, and He will not honor us for fighting for our own misunderstanding. This is where conscience and convictions, in contrast to convenience and convention, comes into the picture.

We should be willing to suffer for conscience and conviction, but not for convenience or convention.