Friday, July 28, 2017



I hear people say,"Just trust the Lord, "He will take care of it." They need to read what the Lord said about all of this. God gave our children to us, we are the stewards, not the State. Faith is one thing, presumption is another.

It is probably too late to save the ship, but now is the time to save our families. EVERY MAN AND FAMILY FOR ITSELF. If we can rescue others, if we can rescue our community, good, but Noah had to get out and Lot had to get out and now the people of God need to be concerned about doing what God called them to do and not surrender our children into the hands of a wicked State. We need to come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Don't side with the world, regardless of how enticing it may be.

On the other hand, I hear people say, "They will have to take my child over my dead body." Well, while they were blustering, the State came in and took them, and the wind bags that wrap themselves in Red, White and Blue show that they are more YELLOW than a ripe banana.

It is time for Christian Revolution. Not with guns and bombs, certainly not with ballots and bums in Washington, but with faith and love and obedience to God. It is time for New Testament Christianity.