I gave everyone my new Bible Study Book Mark; OLD TESTAMENT QUICK VIEW, & explained how to use it for personal & corporate situations. (I have included a copy in the COMMENT box below). I addressed/we discussed; One God, The Bible & Elohim; Islamacizing America (ABC TV presentation).
(it has nicer appearance because this comment box does not allow my formatting).
Divine/human interaction from Adam until 400 BC.
LAW/5 (Ge-De ); HISTORY/12 (Jos-Ne); WRITINGS/5 (Job-SS);
CHRIST'S ancestors in all CAPS - Dates are approximate.
LAW-Writers (1) – aka Torah – Pentateuch
From Creation to Egyptian Bondage 4000-1500
Ge.1-4 c.4000: ADAM, EVE; Eden/Adam's Sin. Ge.6-9 c.2300: NOAH; flood (Iraq/Turkey). Ge.11 SHEM-TERAH-ABRAM Tower Babel/Iraq. Ge.12-50 c.2000-1700 ABRAHAM (a man) - ISAAC (a family) - JACOB (a nation, aka Israel) – JUDAH (a tribe). Joseph enslaved c.1975: Israelites moved to Egypt c.1960: Joseph died c.1925: Israelites enslaved c.1900. Ex.1-12 c.1527-1407: Moses birth (1), c.1487 burning bush: (2-4), c.1447 ten plagues (4-11), c.1446 passover (12), leaving Egypt/ giving of law. Ex.13-40: c.1446-1407 wilderness journey.
WRITINGS (aka Poetry & Wisdom Literature)
Writers (3) - 1900-931
Divine Revelation in poetry/songs/wisdom literature.
Job/c.1850–David/c.1000 (Ps.)
Solomon/c.950 (Ps. Pr. Ec. SS)
HISTORY #1 - Judges/Kings/Prophets Writers (7+)
Exodus-Babylonian Captivity 1500-400
U=Unified; N=Northern; S=Southern; K=King(s); P=Prophet(s)
Israel U (Saul-David-Solomon) c.1043-931: 3 K
Israel N c.931-722: 19 K (all evil)
Judah S c.931-586: 19 K (8 good), 1 evil queen
Jos.1-24 c.1405-1390: Joshua, conquer Promised Land.
Jdg.1-21 c.1380-1045: tribal wars with Canaan; Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Samson (15 judges/leaders).
Ru.1-4 c.1250? RUTH/BOAZ: gentile ancestor/Christ.
1Sa.1-31 c.1105(Sam. b.) -c.1011(Saul d.): Priests-to-Prophets, Eli's fall/Sam'ls call/rise (1-7): Judges-to-Kings.
(it has nicer appearance because this comment box does not allow my formatting).
Saul as king c.1043-1011 (8-15): Tribes-to-Nation, rise/David b.1043: Saul/David conflicts & decline/death Saul (15-31). David/King c.1010. 2Sa.1-10 c.1011-1091 David's/Triumphs: (11-24) c.1091-971 David's/Troubles. (see 1 Chron.-David details). 1Kg.1-11 c.971-951: Solomon/king, (1-8) rise, (9-11) fall. (12-14) c.931 kingdom divided Israel/Judah: (15-22) c.931-851 Rehoboam to Ahaziah. 2 Kg.1-17 c.853-722 Judah/Israel/Hist. Israel/fall/Assyr. (18-25) c.722-586 Judah/cycle/fall. (see 2 Chron.-Solomon (1-9): Judah's spiritual cycle (10-36)).
PROPHETS (chron.) - Writers (15?) 931-425
Pre-Kingdom – Unified Kingdom – Divided Kingdom
Babylonian Captivity – Post Captivity
Enoch c3000 - Moses c.2300 - Samuel – others
Unified Kingdom 1043-931
(Samuel) – Nathan c. 1015 – others
Divided Kingdom 931-722
Elijah (N) c.900 – Obadiah (N) c. 845? (c. 584) - Joel (S) c.840 –
Elisha (N) c.825 - Jonah (N) c.850? (c. 620) – Amos (N) c.800
Hosea (N) c.750 - Isaiah (S) c. 750 - Micah(S) c. 725
Assyrian Captivity 722-586
Nahum (Nin) c.640 – Zephaniah (S) c.625 – Habakkuk (S) c.607
Jeremiah (Jerusalem) c. 605
Babylonian Captivity 586 - 536
Ezekiel (Jud/Bab) c. 584 - Daniel (Bab/Per) 606-534
Post Captivity 536-425
Haggai (Jer.) c.520 – Zechariah (Jer.) 495 – Malachi (Jer.) c.438
HIST. #2 Post Exile Heroes - Writers (3) 483-432
Esther in Shushan, Iran, Preservation of Jews, 483-473?
Ezra in Jerusalem, Restored Worship, 457-444
Nehemiah in Jerusalem, Restored City, 444-432
The dates are approximated, accounting for differences in calculating times, and times of events. Bible believing scholars do not always agree on some things.
If you find an obvious error, contact me. I try to be accurate with the facts. Use my promiselander@yahoo.com email or message me on FB.
Do not bother to write about discrepancies among scholars, I am already aware of that problem. This is not intended to be an exhaustive commentary; it is only a study help.
(it has nicer appearance because this comment box does not allow my formatting).
Divine/human interaction from Adam until 400 BC.
LAW/5 (Ge-De ); HISTORY/12 (Jos-Ne); WRITINGS/5 (Job-SS);
CHRIST'S ancestors in all CAPS - Dates are approximate.
LAW-Writers (1) – aka Torah – Pentateuch
From Creation to Egyptian Bondage 4000-1500
Ge.1-4 c.4000: ADAM, EVE; Eden/Adam's Sin. Ge.6-9 c.2300: NOAH; flood (Iraq/Turkey). Ge.11 SHEM-TERAH-ABRAM Tower Babel/Iraq. Ge.12-50 c.2000-1700 ABRAHAM (a man) - ISAAC (a family) - JACOB (a nation, aka Israel) – JUDAH (a tribe). Joseph enslaved c.1975: Israelites moved to Egypt c.1960: Joseph died c.1925: Israelites enslaved c.1900. Ex.1-12 c.1527-1407: Moses birth (1), c.1487 burning bush: (2-4), c.1447 ten plagues (4-11), c.1446 passover (12), leaving Egypt/ giving of law. Ex.13-40: c.1446-1407 wilderness journey.
WRITINGS (aka Poetry & Wisdom Literature)
Writers (3) - 1900-931
Divine Revelation in poetry/songs/wisdom literature.
Job/c.1850–David/c.1000 (Ps.)
Solomon/c.950 (Ps. Pr. Ec. SS)
HISTORY #1 - Judges/Kings/Prophets Writers (7+)
Exodus-Babylonian Captivity 1500-400
U=Unified; N=Northern; S=Southern; K=King(s); P=Prophet(s)
Israel U (Saul-David-Solomon) c.1043-931: 3 K
Israel N c.931-722: 19 K (all evil)
Judah S c.931-586: 19 K (8 good), 1 evil queen
Jos.1-24 c.1405-1390: Joshua, conquer Promised Land.
Jdg.1-21 c.1380-1045: tribal wars with Canaan; Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Samson (15 judges/leaders).
Ru.1-4 c.1250? RUTH/BOAZ: gentile ancestor/Christ.
1Sa.1-31 c.1105(Sam. b.) -c.1011(Saul d.): Priests-to-Prophets, Eli's fall/Sam'ls call/rise (1-7): Judges-to-Kings.
(it has nicer appearance because this comment box does not allow my formatting).
Saul as king c.1043-1011 (8-15): Tribes-to-Nation, rise/David b.1043: Saul/David conflicts & decline/death Saul (15-31). David/King c.1010. 2Sa.1-10 c.1011-1091 David's/Triumphs: (11-24) c.1091-971 David's/Troubles. (see 1 Chron.-David details). 1Kg.1-11 c.971-951: Solomon/king, (1-8) rise, (9-11) fall. (12-14) c.931 kingdom divided Israel/Judah: (15-22) c.931-851 Rehoboam to Ahaziah. 2 Kg.1-17 c.853-722 Judah/Israel/Hist. Israel/fall/Assyr. (18-25) c.722-586 Judah/cycle/fall. (see 2 Chron.-Solomon (1-9): Judah's spiritual cycle (10-36)).
PROPHETS (chron.) - Writers (15?) 931-425
Pre-Kingdom – Unified Kingdom – Divided Kingdom
Babylonian Captivity – Post Captivity
Enoch c3000 - Moses c.2300 - Samuel – others
Unified Kingdom 1043-931
(Samuel) – Nathan c. 1015 – others
Divided Kingdom 931-722
Elijah (N) c.900 – Obadiah (N) c. 845? (c. 584) - Joel (S) c.840 –
Elisha (N) c.825 - Jonah (N) c.850? (c. 620) – Amos (N) c.800
Hosea (N) c.750 - Isaiah (S) c. 750 - Micah(S) c. 725
Assyrian Captivity 722-586
Nahum (Nin) c.640 – Zephaniah (S) c.625 – Habakkuk (S) c.607
Jeremiah (Jerusalem) c. 605
Babylonian Captivity 586 - 536
Ezekiel (Jud/Bab) c. 584 - Daniel (Bab/Per) 606-534
Post Captivity 536-425
Haggai (Jer.) c.520 – Zechariah (Jer.) 495 – Malachi (Jer.) c.438
HIST. #2 Post Exile Heroes - Writers (3) 483-432
Esther in Shushan, Iran, Preservation of Jews, 483-473?
Ezra in Jerusalem, Restored Worship, 457-444
Nehemiah in Jerusalem, Restored City, 444-432
The dates are approximated, accounting for differences in calculating times, and times of events. Bible believing scholars do not always agree on some things.
If you find an obvious error, contact me. I try to be accurate with the facts. Use my promiselander@yahoo.com email or message me on FB.
Do not bother to write about discrepancies among scholars, I am already aware of that problem. This is not intended to be an exhaustive commentary; it is only a study help.