Simply stated...
Simply stated...
Man is always looking for Utopia, Nirvana, Shangrila, Elysian Fields, Valhalla, Paradise, Heaven or the perfect world/society.
The basic position of the Liberal/Progressive movement has always been atheistic and anti-Christian, and their agenda is to attain to perfection through godless and carnal means.
The Obama administration is leading to more vigorous attacks on Christians.
This is why it is dangerous to align yourself with a movement or ideology that is basically opposed to God, the Holy Bible, Christ and Christianity.
This is why it is dangerous to align yourself with a movement or ideology that is basically opposed to God, the Holy Bible, Christ and Christianity.
Remember, human government does not have to be anti-Christ, though all human governments will move away from God eventually. However, Those who buy into the lie of Humanism (Secular Humanism), the belief that MAN is his own lawgiver, judge, king and savior, are trying to save the world through human endeavors. Biblical Christianity presents opposition to such a belief, and therefore must be eliminated by the Humanist. Even the movements/ideologies that have been built upon Christian truths will become enemies of the Church, because they move away from the Bible.
Christians should give themselves fully to the Lordship of Christ and the spreading of His word, because we will not see the Kingdom come, until the King comes back Himself. It reminds me of the old saying, Either He is Lord of all or He s not Lord at all.
Christians should give themselves fully to the Lordship of Christ and the spreading of His word, because we will not see the Kingdom come, until the King comes back Himself. It reminds me of the old saying, Either He is Lord of all or He s not Lord at all.