Tuesday, August 22, 2017



Easy to understand.
If you have never sinned, you are not separated from God.
If you are not separated from God, you don't need to be recinciled to God.
If you do not need to be reconciled to God, you don't need to repent, confess or trust Christ for salvation;
OTHERWISE, be saved now or be lost forever (2 Co. 6:2).


I posted this because I was thinking about people who are antagonistic toward God's message of loving reconciliation, through the self sacrificing death and victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Okay, so they don't think they need forgiveness for ever disobeying God and they do not need power to conquer temptation and they have never hurt anyone and they have never been selfish or lied or stolen or hated someone.

Fine, but why should they discourage others (who need God's forgiveness and renewal), from believing in the sacrificial death and physical resurrection of Christ. After all, millions have been delivered from evil behavior and set free from destructive habits, by the power of Jesus Christ.

And think about this. Jesus does not force us to become Christians and His message has always been filled with love and mercy. His work has always been to help the less fortunate in medical, educational, relational, economic and personal areas.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the Lord of Love, the Master of Mercy, the King of Kindness. His true followers have done more to help this world than any other group of people on the planet.

So, for those who do not need a Savior, why do you have to attack Christ, the Bible, salvation and believers? Oh, oh, I know why, because you have sin in your heart and you don't want to give it up.