Tuesday, August 22, 2017



It is just as deadly to convince someone that the well is poisoned as it is for the well to actually be poisoned. There are many programs that falsely say the Bible is errant, and this misleads non-believers to reject the only answer to their sin problem.

Amazing how many intellectuals are so gullible.

I have seen snippets from so many different documentaries on TV (loaded with people who are not saved, not intellectually honest and not even informed) addressing issues like the Bible, the supposed real story of Christmas, the supposed Bible account of the end times, the supposed lost books of the Bible, the supposed real Jesus, or the supposedly true story of the Bible.

The problem is most people are so unlearned and prejudiced that they accept the false notions of people who have CHOSEN not to believe the Bible, rather than examine the evidence themselves or at least listen to someone who is as well lettered and much better informed.

It is not that people are convinced by the facts, because they have not even heard the facts. It is that they are looking for support in their rejection of truth.

Here is where the well is said to be poisoned. People will not even come to the well of Bible truth and Christians salvation, because they have pre-decided that the Bible is wrong and Christianity is full of errors, contradictions and myths. If they could only know the characters who attack the Bible, they would see that they are buying into another person's anger and hypocrisy.