Homosexual commits suicide after video of sexual liaison shown. Suicide is tragic, SO IS the spread of homosexuality's perversion and promiscuity in society. Lost society is angry with ones who disapprove of perversion and promiscuity, yet coddle and laud promiscuous perverts and the promoters of prurient agendas. Christians love people who sin, but we hate the sins they commit. Not love or righteousness, but sin kills.
It is being said that those who did the videoing and showing of the perverted pornography were joking; that is was a joke gone bad. It is easy to fault such a statement. A Christian would not do such a sick thing, so let's not blame Christians for this too.
But wait a minute, maybe it is not so unthinkable for someone to call this a joke.
Our whole society sees open sexuality, homosexuality, threesomes, group sex, self gratification, bestiality and every other kind of gross sexual corruption as being funny. Young people (and older) laugh about their own encounters and boast about their experiences outside of traditional and Biblically acceptable sexual behavior. TV programs, movies, party gatherings, music, comics (male and female), open promiscuity and perversion fill the airwaves and the quiet talks around the water cooler, getting laughs and setting the social standard. Prurient language, gestures, suggestive/provocative clothing is boldly worn and our society laughs at Christians for being old fashioned and prudish. They even laugh at their non-Christian parents who hold to a high moral standard.
LOOK y'all, in a growing segment of our society, PERVERSION AND PROMISCUITY ARE FUNNY TO PEOPLE. If not their own, then the kinkiness in someone else's life is considered funny. That is, as long as no one gets hurt, it is funny.
This is where Christians differ from sick society. We don't find bullying, intimidation, oppression, perversion, promiscuity, pornography, demeaning actions or language, immodesty, crudeness or any other sexual deviance to be funny. Such aberrational behavior is flaunted in the face of decent society and then we are called narrow and primitive for objecting to it. But when someone suffers because there is a lack of moral strength, those who hold to the standards of the Bible are considered the bad guys.
Do I expect it to change? NO, I just thought it would be a good idea to mention what most people will ignore.