Groups have always hated the Blood Atonement, calling it, "Slaughter House Religion" and "Divine Child Abuse." They have hated Holiness.
This was part of Modernism and Liberalism, and is now part of Emergent or Progressive Movement (same garbage, new name). Emergent leaders are often disgruntled and conceited, thinking they can express God's will better than God did in the Bible. They fault revelation for human failure.
I supported each point with Biblical reference and/or current information of some of these Emergent leaders.
The Emergent Movement might be better understood by the alliances it forms than by the beliefs it holds. I say this because there are such diverse beliefs among those who see themselves as, or align themselves with people who call themselves Emergent (or Post-Modern or Post-Evangelical).
I supported each point with Biblical reference and/or current information of some of these Emergent leaders.
The Emergent Movement might be better understood by the alliances it forms than by the beliefs it holds. I say this because there are such diverse beliefs among those who see themselves as, or align themselves with people who call themselves Emergent (or Post-Modern or Post-Evangelical).
There may be truth in some of what they say, but it does not validate the entire movement or excuse it for its unholy alliances.
There may be good things in the lives and some of the beliefs of religious cultists, but that does not validate their movement.
In fact, if there is anything good that is espoused by anyone or any group, then that good thing came from God, the same God that gave us His inerrant and infallible revelation. When they incorporate it into a wicked belief system, the truth is still the truth, but the truth does not sanctify the lies. God is the Giver of every good and perfect gift.
One of the arguments that comes from the Emergent Movement is that God is not as much interested in being right as He is in being redemptive. This is a subtle attack on the absolute authority of Scripture, since they believe that redemption is not revealed, or qualified by God's revealed and eternal word. This turns the attention to the ongoing, so-called, NARRATIVE or CONVERSATION. E.M. people do not like proof texting from the Holy Bible. However, the idea that God being right, is not important to God, is absurd.
It is this mentality that opens the door to all kinds of wickedness and heresy in the name of Christianity; (the acceptance of Islam and other religions, sodomy, cursing and all kinds of perverse behavior). After all, BEING RIGHT is not of great importance. On the other hand, I have yet to meet someone from the E. M. that does not believe they are right and Bible believers are wrong.
It is a mistake to align oneself with a movement or group that is not fully committed to Biblical truth, especially if it is a religious group. When believers align themselves with non-believers, or with believers who are aligned with non believers, they becloud the facts. For instance, if I give my approval to a certain person, and that person is anti-Trinitarian, then it is possible for someone to mistakenly believe that anti-Trinitarianism (or other false doctrine) is not a problem.
There are some Emergents who hold to some Bible beliefs; just as the Roman religion holds to the virgin birth of Christ and to the deity of Christ, yet the Roman religion is not to be confused with Bible believing Christianity. There are also Emergents that espouse sound concepts and use valid terms. Still, it is not the holding to some Bible beliefs and using some terms that validates the orthodoxy of a belief system. So, you may find the following names associated with good things, but remember, it is not the good things with which we are concerned. Just because good food has been thrown into the garbage does not mean that I do my grocery shopping in a Dempsey Dumpster.
There are a number of people who follow and study the work of the E M. This is needed, but it is sad that so much good energy must be spent. I have been willing to study and confront false doctrines throughout my ministry, but it is an unending task. Though I have engaged some E M people through the years, I have not made it a major focus in my studies or ministry. I find I must give it more time because it is a raging fire that engulfs many, even well meaning people. Emergent people hold various forms of Emergent theology. This adds to the difficulty in explaining or addressing the heresy of the E M.
The following short list of names is associated with the E M. If you have questions about any names, please contact me by email and I will try to address the discrepancy. These are but a few of the main names involved in the E M, with a plethora of lesser lights.
Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rob Bell, Mark Driscoll, Erwin McManus, John Burke, Dan Kimball, Joel McClure.
One of the arguments that comes from the Emergent Movement is that God is not as much interested in being right as He is in being redemptive. This is a subtle attack on the absolute authority of Scripture, since they believe that redemption is not revealed, or qualified by God's revealed and eternal word. This turns the attention to the ongoing, so-called, NARRATIVE or CONVERSATION. E.M. people do not like proof texting from the Holy Bible. However, the idea that God being right, is not important to God, is absurd.
It is this mentality that opens the door to all kinds of wickedness and heresy in the name of Christianity; (the acceptance of Islam and other religions, sodomy, cursing and all kinds of perverse behavior). After all, BEING RIGHT is not of great importance. On the other hand, I have yet to meet someone from the E. M. that does not believe they are right and Bible believers are wrong.
It is a mistake to align oneself with a movement or group that is not fully committed to Biblical truth, especially if it is a religious group. When believers align themselves with non-believers, or with believers who are aligned with non believers, they becloud the facts. For instance, if I give my approval to a certain person, and that person is anti-Trinitarian, then it is possible for someone to mistakenly believe that anti-Trinitarianism (or other false doctrine) is not a problem.
There are some Emergents who hold to some Bible beliefs; just as the Roman religion holds to the virgin birth of Christ and to the deity of Christ, yet the Roman religion is not to be confused with Bible believing Christianity. There are also Emergents that espouse sound concepts and use valid terms. Still, it is not the holding to some Bible beliefs and using some terms that validates the orthodoxy of a belief system. So, you may find the following names associated with good things, but remember, it is not the good things with which we are concerned. Just because good food has been thrown into the garbage does not mean that I do my grocery shopping in a Dempsey Dumpster.
There are a number of people who follow and study the work of the E M. This is needed, but it is sad that so much good energy must be spent. I have been willing to study and confront false doctrines throughout my ministry, but it is an unending task. Though I have engaged some E M people through the years, I have not made it a major focus in my studies or ministry. I find I must give it more time because it is a raging fire that engulfs many, even well meaning people. Emergent people hold various forms of Emergent theology. This adds to the difficulty in explaining or addressing the heresy of the E M.
The following short list of names is associated with the E M. If you have questions about any names, please contact me by email and I will try to address the discrepancy. These are but a few of the main names involved in the E M, with a plethora of lesser lights.
Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rob Bell, Mark Driscoll, Erwin McManus, John Burke, Dan Kimball, Joel McClure.