I was talking to an owner of a car business yesterday. He asked where our church meets, and responded positively when I said, "My house." I agreed, but asked him if he would be more productive in sales and service with or without a building. He understood immediately. If all I want to do is meet, a house works; if I want a Life Saving Station, a building helps. I've done it both ways, Give me a building any day.
I have had meetings in my home through the years, with over 50 people in attendance for worship, study, fellowship, meals, activities, sometimes lasting for several hours. Some people may not need room and facilities for a full program, I do; but I do the best I can with what I have.
I realize there are some advantages to a "house church" but here are some of the advantages that go with having a building. This is not to argue against house church ministries. Sometimes it is not only the only choice, sometimes it may be the best choice. I am simply sharing my observations on how a dedicated facility has advantages over a house church.
A dedicated building gives a location that can be advertised and marketed. This gives greater range of outreach than simple word of mouth, inviting people to a private home.
People tend to be more responsive to an "established" ministry rather than one that has no "roots." More visitors will come to a dedicated building.
Logistics problems are intensified for a house church; parking, neighbors, hours of vital activity, meeting space, running several programs at one time, having several Bible classes running at same time, fellowship and activity meetings.
The average house is verrrrrrry limited in the number of people it can serve.
Since most living rooms are not designed to accommodate large numbers of people, the house church is limited even more.
Since the average meeting room will seldom run at more than 75% seating capacity, the house church is limited even more.
It is easier and better to have a dedicated building for youth ministry.
Potential for growth in program, numbers, outreach, influence and impact on the community is greater with a dedicated building.
There are other reasons, but I just wanted to share a few thoughts.
If you have a building, shame of you if you don't use it to its fullest possibilities.
Anyone who has been part of our ministry knows that we have not only used our buildings, we have almost worn them out. Our ministry has been as close to a 24/7 as any church I know about. In fact, if I had a building now, I think it would be 24/7 within a year, ministering to all kinds of subgroups and subcultures. I am not just spouting off, I am basing it on the things I have done in ministry since 1965 and considering the possibilities of MB. Oh well.