Sunday, August 20, 2017

12/06/10 "That Old Time Religion?"

12/06/10 "That Old Time Religion?"

When should a person choose "That Old Time Religion?" ANSWER
Whenever it is offered. (see explanation of "religion" in comment).

Salvation is not simply refraining from some evil or doing the best you can. Salvation is obediently, joyfully, trusting the true and living God of the Bible completely with your life.

“Religion” was a term used in reference to Bible Faith (belief) and Salvation in previous generations. In that sense, we should all want and choose that old time religion.

A good working definition of the word, “religion” is...
“Belief in a specific supreme being, and a form of worship and service to that supreme being.” In that sense Christianity is a religion, since we have a belief in the God of the Bible and a systematic form of worshiping and serving Him.

However, Christianity is more than a religion, it is pure religion.
James 1:27
(27) Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

The Christian religion is the only religion that has the revealed truth of God concerning salvation. While it is true that a person can have religion without salvation, a person cannot have salvation without religion. Therefore, it is is accurate to say that my religion is Christianity.

Unfortunately, many people who claim to be Christian have a form of godliness (religion), but deny the power of God and His salvation.
2 Timothy 3:5
(5) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Those people are Christian in religion only. Which brings us back an earlier statement.

Salvation is Obediently, Joyfully, Trusting the True and Living God of the Bible completely with your life.