A pastor friend of mine, who is now deceased, use to say, "Everybody is against something, but I am for Jesus Christ." It sounds good, sounds civil and loving, but if you are for Jesus Christ, you are going to be against all darkness. Sadly, those guys are against Christians, who are against those who are against the gospel. Don't be fooled, light still confronts, reproves and drives back darkness. Not fun, but necessary.
Jesus contended with Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians. Paul and John contended with the Judaizers, Ebionites, Gnostics and other errant movements. The Old Testament is filled with conflicts between God and the false religions of the people. The New Testament is also filled with conflict between false doctrine and Divine revelation.
Some people are angry at everyone else and they use the Bible to bludgeon people; this is wrong. Some people want to be "positive" and "tolerant" to the point that they become accepting of another Jesus, another gospel and another Spirit; this is also wrong.
Instead, Christians are required to speak the TRUTH IN LOVE. In fact, a Spirit filled Christian wants to speak the TRUTH IN LOVE. Not because he treasures the conflict of confrontation or because he wants to be one of those so-called "positive" preachers, but because he loves the lost souls that are being held by Satan in the bonds of false doctrine, and is willing to look like a fool for the sake of the lost.
When you hear people speak against confrontation, don't be deceived. What they really mean is, they don't like people confronting them.