12/16/10 WEDNESDAY SERVICE... Three Nativity Scenes
I- Magi Star,
II- Mary's Song,
III- Manger Scene.
Focus on Second Scene-
MARY'S SONG (Lk. 1:46-55) .
A- God Revealed Plan to
1- Zacharias,
2- Elisabeth and
3- Mary.
B- Mary's Song.
1- Mary Confessed Her Own Need for a Savior.
2- Mary Prophesied Savior's Ultimate Victory.
C- Three Important Songs.
1. Miriam,
2. Moses,
3. Mary.
(Credit Due To Mark Gould
I pointed out that we have Magi's Star and Mary's Song, so I should look for third point that would begin with M and S. Mark Gould suggested Manger Scene; and so you see it above.)
Two Recent Roman Errors That Masquerade As Eternal Truth
1- I addressed the Roman worship of Mary with beliefs in such absurdities as the Immaculate Conception. Remember, the Immaculate Conception is the false notion that Mary was sinless and did not need to be saved from sin. It was not defined as a Roman dogma until 1854.
2- I also mentioned the supposed Assumption of Mary, which is false notion that Mary never died, but was caught away to heaven at the end of her life, without dying. Though it was a belief among those in the Eastern, the Coptic, so-called Orthodox churches and Anglicans, it was not defined as a Roman dogma until 1950.
The Roman religion was the fountainhead of the Dark Ages. This started with the suppressing of Biblical truth and extended to the suppression of academic freedom.