Thursday, August 17, 2017


(a little exercise you might apreciate)

Try this:
A- Tell someone there are over 1 billion Muslims in the world (repeat 1 billion to them).
B- do not tell them what world population is.
C- Ask them how many Jews are in the world.
D- report your findings.
E- If you don't know, guess. see below.

I have given several numbers below.
The number that follows the three asterisks *** is the approximate world population.
The number that follows the three @ signs is the approximate number of Jews in the world.

I did it this way to help those who want to take the test themselves.
&&& 93 million
%%% 300 million
((( 100000
*** 6.6 billion
))) 43 thousand
### 5 million
@@@ 20 million
^^^12 trillion
$$$ 71/4.

BTW, I gave the high number for world Jewish population. Some figures are as low as thirteen point three million for Jewish world population.

This quick quiz/survey can be varied by asking;
Did you know that there are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, (about 25% of world population)?
Did you know that Jews make up less than 3/10ths of 1% of the world population?
How many countries are predominantly Muslim (48)?
How many countries are predominantly Jewish (1)?
Did you know that only 76% of Israel is Jewish, with a population of less than 8 million people and less than 6 million Jews?
Did you know that 40 countries of the world have at least 76% Muslim population? Those countries have total populations of over 2 billion.
Did you know that the population of the US is a little over 300 million.
Did you know that the country with the second largest Jewish population percentage is Monaco, with less than 3%.

This does not consider the land mass controlled by Muslims and also by Jews. Yet, Islam will not be satisfied until they destroy every Jew and control Jerusalem (which is not even mentioned one time in the Koran).

I think it is important to know the facts. It puts things in perspective.
(If you find any error in my post, please email me and I will try to correct it.)