Remember, this fits on the front and back of a 4x6 note card.(front)
(end times primer with historical background)
Past, Present and Future Overview
As Past History is divided by the 1st Coming of Christ into BC and AD, so too is Future History divided by the 2nd Coming of Christ into 3 phases; Pre-2nd Coming, 2nd Coming and Post 2nd Coming.
Old Testament/Dispensation of Law
The OT focused on God's relationship with a man (Abraham), a family (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), a nation (Israel/Judah) as the human conduit through which God would send His Son as a Sin Sacrifice.
New Testament/Transition Period
The HISTORICAL books of the 4 Gospels and Acts mark the transition from OT (Law) to NT (Grace) (Jn.1:17). The 4 Gospels recount the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the book of Acts recounts the origin and early growth of The Church. The DOCTRINAL books are 21 letters written by apostles/prophets and form the authorized beliefs of the Church. The 1 PROPHETIC book of Revelation outlines events during the Church Age (1-3), focuses on the events of the Tribulation (4-18), briefly addresses the Millennial Kingdom (19-20), and the Eternal State (21-22)
Church Age/Dispensation of Grace
The past 2,000 years, known as the Church Age is also referred to as the Time of the Gentiles. This unspecified period in Daniel's 70 Weeks (2,500 years ago) foretells the 1st Coming of Christ (2,000 years ago), as well as the 2nd Coming of Christ (still future), see Daniel 9:24-27. The period of time between the 1st and the 2nd Coming of Christ stretches from the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to the believers in the upper room (Acts 2) until Christ begins His return to earth, at the Rapture (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
Pre-Second Coming Events
Pre-2nd Coming events are events, which are closely related to the 2nd Coming, but they happen before the 2nd Coming actually takes place, such as; Israel became a nation in 1949. While that may seem like a long time ago, it is relatively recent compared to the fact that it was prophesied 2,000 years ago. At that time Israel had not yet ceased to exist as a nation, making the prophecy even more impressive. Some of the prophecies of Jesus in Matthew 24 refer to events that will happen at the end of the Church Age as it ushers in the 2nd Coming, such as; intensified natural disasters, political upheaval and spiritual deception.
Second Coming Events
Second Coming events are the things that take place between the time of the Rapture and the Return of Christ. There will be Believers Judgment in heaven (1 Corinthians 3:13-15) and the Great Tribulation on earth (Revelation 4-18).
Post Second Coming Events
Post 2nd Coming events will take place after Christ returns to earth physically, such as; Judgment of Nations, Millennial Reign, Final Conflict, Great White Throne, New Beginning (Revelation 19-22).
Pastor David L. Gould ... Sea Side Chapel