Saturday, August 5, 2017



I addressed this in 5/2010 and pointed out that it is illegal for military people to proselytize while deployed, but few seem to care. A military person either obeys the government and denies Christ or lies and defames Christ. If you don't understand this, ask me.


According to the US Government, the US Military and American culture, here are Two ways of "ENDANGERING OUR TROOPS."

1. Proclaim the Gospel of Christ (proselytize, share the Gospel and make Christian disciples, which is illegal in the US Military).

2. Do anything that offends Islam.

This is clearly action that is anti-Christian and is making Christianity illegal in America, which it is already illegal to be a Bible believing Christian in the US Military.

It is acceptable for the US Government/Military to confiscate and burn Holy Bibles but it is unacceptable for US citizens to burn Korans. (I am not advocating or condemning the burning of pagan literature, just stating the case).

Based on supposed Freedom of Religion in the USA, it is acceptable for Muslims to kill thousands of Americans and then build an Islamic Mosque at the site of the massacre, but it is not acceptable for someone to burn Islamic writings. If Obama and others are going to argue for the rights of one, then they should argue for the rights of both.

I am still waiting for someone to explain to me how a Christian can join or belong to the US Military, since it requires a denial of Christ's Lordship and open disobedience to the Bible.

Don't be angry with me, I am just the messenger.

Jog the Memory...

We are being warned not to offend the Muslim world by burning the Koran, because it will endanger our troops, our national interests, Americans overseas and our own homeland.

I don't remember anyone burning the Koran when...

Nov. 4, 1979...
The US embassy in Tehran, Iran was attacked by Iranian (Muslim) students and 66 American hostages were taken.

Lebanon... Americans kidnapped, killed/died/or held for over 2400 days, by Muslims.

April, Beirut... US embassy suicide bombed, 17 Americans among 63 killed by Muslims.

October, Beirut... Muslim suicide bomb truck killed 241 US Marines in their barracks and later 58 French paratroopers in their barracks.

December, Kuwait City... Muslim suicide truck bomb attacked US embassy and other targets, killing 5 and injuring 80 others.

September, Beirut... Muslim suicide truck bomb near US embassy annex, killing 24, including 2 US military.

December, Beirut... Muslims hijack Kuwaiti plane and kill to Americans.

June, Beirut... TWA Flight 847 taken captive by Muslims, held 17 days and killed US Navy diver.

October, Achille Lauro... Muslims attack ship and kill US citizen.

December, Lockerbie... Muslims blow up Pan-Am 747, killing 270 people, including 35 students from Syracuse University and many US military.

December, NY,NY... Muslims bomb World Trade Center, killing 6 and injuring over 1000 others.

November, Riyahd (Saudi Arabia)... Muslims kill 5 US military in car bombing of US Military headquarters.

June, Dharan (Saudi Arabia)... Muslims blow up US military complex, killing 19 and injuring hundreds

August, Nairobi (Kenya) and Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)... Muslim bombing attacks on 2 US embassies, killing 224 and injuring 4500 others.

October, Yemen... Muslim attack on US Navy Destroyer, USS Cole, killing 17 US sailors.

September, NY,NY... Muslims fly commercial aircraft into World Trade Center, the US Pentagon and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, killing almost 3000 people.

June, Karachi (Pakistan)... Muslims attack US consulate, killing 17.

May, Riyadh... Muslim suicide bombers attack western housing and kill 34, including 8 Americans.

June, 11-19, Riyadh... Series of Muslim attacks kill 3 Americans and another.

December, Jeddah (Saudi Arabea)... Muslims attack US consulate and kill 5 people.

November, Amman... Muslims attack 3 American hotels and kill 57 people.

September, Yemen... Muslim attack on US embassy killing 16 people.

November, Fort Hood (Texas)... Muslim in US army attacks and kills 13 people.

December, Detroit... Muslim underwear bomber caught.

December, Iraq... Muslim kills 8 American civilians.

We have not included the Shoe Bomber and an assortment of other Muslim attackers on US soil.

This list does not include all attacks and all deaths of Americans, nor does it include the killing of US military in Iraq and Afghanistan, by suicide bombings, etc.

NOW, where was the Koran burning going on? Well, you say, we don't know. OK, then does it only matter when an American who is associated in some way with a Christian ministry? Or could it be that we have heard more about Jones in Florida than we did about most of these Muslim attacks on Americans?

Did US Government blame the US military for the Muslim attacks?
Did US Government blame hotels, discos, restaurants, bars, air travel, oil companies for those attacks.

Wake up America, it ain't about the Koran, it is about shutting down Christianity.