Saturday, August 5, 2017

09/08/10 KORAN BURNING...

09/08/10 KORAN BURNING...
An issue at the time of this writing.

Though I probably would not schedule and advertise a Koran burning, there is New Testament precedent for burning books.
Acts 19:18-20
(18) And many that believed came, and confessed, and showed their deeds.
(19) Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.
(20) So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

Rather than a group of Anglo "Christians" staging a Koran burning, what if it was a group of former Muslims who celebrated their deliverance from the bondage and intimidation of Islam by burning their own Korans? That would be more in keeping with the actions of the believers mentioned in Acts 19.

I know, I know, it would not matter to the media or the US Government or the PC police or Islamacists; they would still attack the action, but then again they are against the basic truths of Christianity, family values and the American way of life.

However, from a Christian point of view, it would make more sense if it was a display of celebrating deliverance rather than just a protest. But keep this in mind, just because there were believers in the book of Acts that did this, we should not take it as a Biblical directive for our own actions.

Notice also, this was a very costly demonstration. At a minimum the books they burned in Acts would have been worth a quarter of a million dollars (and probably more).

Another point is, the Church in the book of Acts was living a much more dedicated, separated and faithful life than most western believers today, therefore they had the empowering of the Holy Spirit that is seldom seen in our modern world.

Here is something to think about. In the Old Testament it would be reasonable for Jews to destroy anything pagan. In the coming Millennium, Christ will destroy everything pagan. But we are in the age of grace and we do things differently now. Not because paganism is less obnoxious to God, but because He has put us under a different set of "house rules."

Our concern should not be the burning of the Koran, but the winning of Muslims to Christ, to set them free from sin, bondage and eternal condemnation. The watching world should be less concerned with book burning and more concerned with Islamic killing, mutilation, torture and terrorizing of human beings as well as the Muslim persecution of Christians and Jews.

I wonder if the Koran burners would be so outwardly demonstrative if they lived in Saudi Arabia. Maybe they would, then we could hold a memorial service for them and the media could laud the actions of a State that does not allow such inflammatory action as burning books.

Well, you can see that this issue has a bottomless pit, no pun intended.

SOMEONE RESPONDED BY SAYING THAT Koran burning was not a loving thing to do. I responded with the following.

Again, I am not advocating the burning of the Koran, neither am I condemning anyone who does burn it. It is easy to sit where I am and make decisions for other people. BUT READ ON.

There is no inherent problem with burning Korans.The problem is a perceived problem.

Probably God would like to see all Korans burned, but that does not mean He wants His children burning them at this time.

The world will not end just because a Koran gets burned, nor will anyone die because a Koran gets burned. In fact, there will be untold numbers who will die because they do not get burned. The Koran is the source of Islamic violence.

"Whoa," you say, "There will be people who die because Korans get burned."

NO, I reply. There will be people who die because people get upset that Korans get burned and those people will kill people. BUT NO, no one dies because a Koran gets burned.

Try it yourself. Find a Koran, secretly burn the Koran. Do not tell anyone. NO ONE WILL GET KILLED BECAUSE YOU BURN A KORAN. People get killed because of those who follow the Koran.

There was a time in this country when people were applauded for burning Satanic literature, pornography, Nazi/Communist/Racist propaganda and other trash. The problem is not that someone is burning a Koran, the problem is that all of those people who claim to be so understanding are the true ISLAMAPHOBES. The are afraid of Muslim retaliation.

Those of us who are willing to tell the ugly truth about Islam are said to have Islamaphobia. NO, the true fear-ers of Islam are those who want to ignore the facts. Many of those who tell the disturbing truth about Islam are the only ones who love the Muslims. Everyone else, including world governments in US, Europe, Africa etc are the true ISLAMAPHOBES. They know what Islam can and WILL do to those who disagree with them.

My dad would not have allowed a bully to threaten me when I was a child. He would have gone to war before he let anyone hurt his son. Our government is supposed to provide the same protection for its citizens, but it is afraid of the world bully and will instead offer its children up as a peace sacrifice to save itself.