Saturday, August 5, 2017



Where was all US media and Government outrage when the US Army confiscated and burned Holy Bibles in Afghanistan a few months ago. But now in arms over Florida church burning blasphemous Korans. Double standard and hypocritical.

Here is a strange part of this whole thing.

While I appreciate the courage displayed by anyone who is willing to put his/her life on the line for other people, military or otherwise, this country errs by idolizing the military machine, since... it is one of the greatest opponents to the free exercise of Christian faith in our system, whether in the lives of the recruits themselves or in the policies it exerts throughout the world.

The State has the right, the responsibility to protect the righteous and punish the wicked, whether through police action or military action. But we should not confuse this Biblical mandate and the brave men and women in uniform with the political and anti-Christian philosophy that guides our military machine. This point of view numbs us and blinds us to the dangers. It is dangerous to hijack and warp the mandate of God for personal agendas, as our leaders have done and as our citizenry has allowed.

BTW, we should never join our voices with the infidels, the gainsayers, the anti-Christ followers that want to saddle Christians with horrific crimes of violence. NO BIBLE BELIEVING, CHRIST FOLLOWING CHRISTIAN HAS EVER BEEN GUILTY of things like the Crusades or any other religious wars, in Ireland, Germany, England or any other country. We should not repeat the lie, anymore than we would say that any Christian executed Jews or Muslims or other Christians at any time in history. Nor are the actions of the US military to be associated with the Church. God uses ravens to feed prophets, but that does not sanctify the raven.

If it is not in agreement with the New Testament, if it is not in the character of Christ and His directives on dealing with other people during this age of grace, then it is not Christian.