Saturday, August 5, 2017



I thought you might like this story. I found this key ring. It is new, so I picked it up. It was a really pretty, bright yellow color when I found it. Or so I thought. When I got in the car it turned white.

I was thinking that it was actually yellow, because that is the way I first saw it, but the lights in the car and the parking lot made it look white. I asked Martha what color she thought it was. Of course, it was obviously white and I expected her to say white. She did. Then I asked her what color she thought it might be if it was not white. She was familiar with this particular key ring and said she had seen them in orange. Hmmmm?

The more I thought about it, the less sure I was that I knew what color it was. When we were coming down the street in our neighborhood, I saw it turn bright yellow again.

"The street lights," I thought out loud. "I bet the street lights make it look bright yellow."

Sure enough. So, what is my point?

Darkness Is Their Light
Most people we meet have only seen life in the light of the artificial lights of error, and they think that life is one way, when in fact it is another. Until they either see things in the true light or until they see that it is possible for them to be in error, they will never listen to what we say about life. It will take true light, pure light, Divine Light to make them see life the way it is meant to be seen.

The True Light
The whole world lies in darkness and Jesus is the True Light.
We are His lights.
We are the only hope that some people will ever have of seeing life the way it is supposed to be seen.

We Are His Lights
Do not put your light under a basket.
Walk in the light and let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.
He is the Father of lights, and in Him is no darkness at all.