Don't you hate it when someone is part of something obnoxious and then act like it didn't happen or it is excusable?
It is time for Muslims, Catholics and Lutherans and Calvinists (and others) to admit that their movements have done the work of Satan in the Name of God, by killing people who disagree with them.
While violence may be part of some religions, it has nothing to do with Biblical Christianity.
It is important for Christians to distance themselves from the wicked acts of violence that have been practiced by those who claimed to be Christians. Here are two reasons.
1. Christians are called to peace and to be peacemakers, therefore violence is not part of the gospel and we should be bold in that assertion, since we are engaged every day in conversations that address this subject.
2. We need to let others know that we do not accept the violent actions of those who have acted in the name of Christ. We must acknowledge that those violent people were not following Christ.
CONSIDER... If a person who calls himself a Christian cannot dedicate his life to being a peacemaker, he needs to quit claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, Who's Gospel is Peace.
Muslims need to speak up as well.
1. If they are aware that the Qu'ran promotes violence in the name of their god, they need to denounce those passages and come out from among those who do not denounce it. This includes all violence, including violence against women, children, innocent people and people of dissenting religious views.
2. Muslims need to denounce those who commit acts of violence in the name of Islam.
CONSIDER... If a person who calls himself a Muslim cannot denounce the acts of violence, done in the name of Islam and denounce the people who do acts of violence in the name of Islam, he needs to quit claiming to be a person of peace and quit playing the innocent/moderate card.
It is important for Christians to distance themselves from the wicked acts of violence that have been practiced by those who claimed to be Christians. Here are two reasons.
1. Christians are called to peace and to be peacemakers, therefore violence is not part of the gospel and we should be bold in that assertion, since we are engaged every day in conversations that address this subject.
2. We need to let others know that we do not accept the violent actions of those who have acted in the name of Christ. We must acknowledge that those violent people were not following Christ.
CONSIDER... If a person who calls himself a Christian cannot dedicate his life to being a peacemaker, he needs to quit claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, Who's Gospel is Peace.
Muslims need to speak up as well.
1. If they are aware that the Qu'ran promotes violence in the name of their god, they need to denounce those passages and come out from among those who do not denounce it. This includes all violence, including violence against women, children, innocent people and people of dissenting religious views.
2. Muslims need to denounce those who commit acts of violence in the name of Islam.
CONSIDER... If a person who calls himself a Muslim cannot denounce the acts of violence, done in the name of Islam and denounce the people who do acts of violence in the name of Islam, he needs to quit claiming to be a person of peace and quit playing the innocent/moderate card.