Saturday, August 5, 2017

09/03/10 WEDNESDAY STUDY... 3 Ideas.


1- The status of a person in resurrection (we will not be either a child or aged person).
2- What would be the status or condition of the soul of a human clone? A human clone, if it is possible would only be truly human if it has a soul and all souls have their origin in God. God has a plan for all humans, regardless of biological origin (test-tube, sexual attack, adultery, cloning?).
3- God has a plan and the grace for anyone born into or raised in extreme factors, which form personality and morality, such as;
physical-gender confusion,
conjoined births,
aberrant home life ("gay," polygamous).


Further Discussion...
I often give opportunity for people to ask questions and make observations, for Christian discussion. Sometimes the subjects are in response to something I have taught (the maturity status of a person in the resurrection), and sometimes the subjects are in connection with world events (cloning, homosexuality, polygamy, politics, economy, education, liberty, war/peace).

We look at what the Bible says about the subject and we also look at the Biblical principles attached to the subject. It is easy to form an opinion, but it takes thoughtfulness to form a Christian/Biblical viewpoint.

My position is that no one is raised as a pre-born, or a new born or infant or child in the resurrection. No one is raised as an aged person. All those who die at an early age will be raised as mature adults. All those who die in old age will be raised in prime of life. Adam and Eve were formed and created as mature adults. Jesus died and rose again in His thirties. These may be two Biblical indicators. Either way, there will be no nursery in heaven and no geriatrics ward.

Humans are responsible for biological generation, but each soul comes from God, Who made it. There is not a warehouse of souls waiting for bodies to inhabit, but each body is invigorated by a God given soul.

It is yet to be seen if there will be human cloning and it is yet to be seen if the clone will be truly human. If the clone is human, it will have a soul. We have watched as science experimented with "test tube babies." We realize that one is not the same as the other, but there are some relative and similar factors involved.

Ultimately, God loves everyone and has planned for everyone's salvation, regardless of how they were biologically generated.

Every man made problem is a barrier to salvation, but God loves the whole world and it is our responsibility to pass His love and plan of salvation to a lost and dying world.

The more problems we have and the more aberrant the problems, the more difficult it is for people to accept God. Most people are turned off by the vast wasteland of knowledge, awareness, sensitivity and enlightenment in most Christians. We are living in extreme times and we must know that our Gospel is adequate for life's extremes.

I referred to the idea that a person holds to a view life in the light of his own experiences and observations. Our job is to help them see life in the light of God's truth, therefore we need to know the truth and we need the Spirit of God to help us communicate that truth.