(Prophecy, Good and Bad)
Prime Minister, Netanyahu referred to Ezekiel 37 and God's raising Israel from the Valley of Dry Bones.
God is at work in our world. It is true that He will raise up a nation in a day, but what we read in Ezekiel 38 is very current and alarming. Ezekiel foretold a time when Persia (Iran) would unite with other powers, including Russia, Ethiopia and Libya to annihilate Israel.
Anti-Semitism is All Consuming
Persia was the fountain head of the Caste System (hyper racism) that took over India and the name “Iran” means, “Land of the Aryans.”
Hitler and Iran have been major players in Satan's arsenal of antisemitism. Satan has always hated Israel and Ezekiel 38 foretells the coming attempt at another “final solution.”
The Islamic faith is a breeding ground of anti Israeli sentiment and planning. Iran (65 million +) along with the rest of Islam's 1 billion + adherents is historically the arch enemy of Israel (now around 20 million world wide). Islam wants the annihilation of Israel as a nation and they want the tiny real estate of Israel to add to their enormous world wide holdings.