Create And Make
In chapter one the creation of man was very matter-of-fact and administrative (Ge. 1:26-28). In chapter two we are given a much more intimate account of the same event, plus we are shown the two facets of man's origin in the words that mean “to Create” and “to Make.
* His “brooding” was essential to 6 days of creation.
* Two accounts of one creation.
* God introduced as Elohim and Jehovah.
* World was created (from nothing) and made (from something).
* Plant, animal and human life created separately.
* Man is psycho-physical totality. Man is a trichotomy.
* Five functions of the body (see, hear, smell, taste, feel).
* Components of soul (reason, desire, emotion, conscience, will).
Three realms of human consciousness.
Body is physical consciousness
Soul is self consciousness
Spirit is God consciousness
The Holy Spirit restored earth from chaos and gave life to man.
The Holy Spirit In Creation
Spirit of God moved (brooded) over the face of the waters.
Prior to the Spirit of God imparting His life giving power to the earth in Genesis 1:2 we find the earth in a state of darkness, death and decay. The formless, empty world was encased in water. There was no dry land. In fact, the atmosphere was watery as well.
The Holy Spirit In Creation
Spirit of God moved (brooded) over the face of the waters.
Prior to the Spirit of God imparting His life giving power to the earth in Genesis 1:2 we find the earth in a state of darkness, death and decay. The formless, empty world was encased in water. There was no dry land. In fact, the atmosphere was watery as well.
It was to this chaotic, corrupted world that the Spirit of God came with His restorative and redemptive will, wisdom and power. The work of the Spirit of God was essential in preparing the world for the six days of creation. He hovered, brooded over the face of the deep. He programmed the world to become a living, productive environment. Before God could say, "Let there be light," He had to establish and organize it into a viable ground of existence.
God Is Light
The “moving” over the earth, as a bird moves over a nest is not an argument for female Deity, since male birds sometimes build and set the nests.
God Is Light
The “moving” over the earth, as a bird moves over a nest is not an argument for female Deity, since male birds sometimes build and set the nests.
Depending on the meaning of "let there be light," the universe was not necessarily shrouded in darkness prior to the “creation” of light. After all,
God is light. He has always had a glory, brightness inherent to Himself.
Jesus referred to that glory when He prayed in John 17. He manifested that light on the Mount of Transfiguration (Mt. 17).
The Scripture tells us that God is light.
Sometimes God shrouds His light in darkness, as with Moses coming down from the mount and when He was present in the Tabernacle and the Temple.
Light was absent on the watery earth and needed to be restored.
This does not mean there was no light elsewhere in the universe prior to Genesis 1:3-5.
Two Accounts Of Creation
Genesis 1 and 2 are not contradictory, but complimentary accounts of creation. They are not two separate accounts from mixed legends or myths. Both chapters are Divinely revealed accounts and communicate specific information about God and His creation of the world and mankind.
Elohim And Jehovah
In Genesis 1 God is referred to as “Elohim,” which is a subtle introduction to the “Tri-unity of God.” Elohim reflects the creative power and nature of God.
Two Accounts Of Creation
Genesis 1 and 2 are not contradictory, but complimentary accounts of creation. They are not two separate accounts from mixed legends or myths. Both chapters are Divinely revealed accounts and communicate specific information about God and His creation of the world and mankind.
Elohim And Jehovah
In Genesis 1 God is referred to as “Elohim,” which is a subtle introduction to the “Tri-unity of God.” Elohim reflects the creative power and nature of God.
In Genesis 2 God is introduced as “Jehovah” or “Yahweh,” also known as “I Am” (Ex. 3:14). This Name reflects the redemptive character of God throughout the Bible. Remember, Jesus called Himself by this Divine name, when He said, “Before Abraham was, I Am” (Jn. 8:58). The Jews understood Him and tried to stone Him for claiming to be God (Jn. 8:59).
Create And Make
In chapter one the creation of man was very matter-of-fact and administrative (Ge. 1:26-28). In chapter two we are given a much more intimate account of the same event, plus we are shown the two facets of man's origin in the words that mean “to Create” and “to Make.
“To create” is to bring “something from nothing,” and “to make” is to form “something from something else.” The three times that we are told God created were in connection with the heavens and the earth (vs. 1), the animal life (vs. 21) and human life (vs. 7). The other events, subjects and “days of creation” were actually the “forming of something from something else.”
Animal And Human Life
Animals have a “soul-ish” life, or existence, in the sense that they have brains and functioning minds, though limited in scope.
Animal And Human Life
Animals have a “soul-ish” life, or existence, in the sense that they have brains and functioning minds, though limited in scope.
Animals are not self-aware or self-determining, as humans are.
Animals do not have “spirits” in the sense that they are eternal or free will agents. This is why the point is made that the immaterial part of man rises to the spiritual realm at death and the immaterial part of animals ceases with the death of the animal (Ecc. 3:21).
Solomon did not believe that the immaterial parts of animals and humans were equal, because he said that animal “spirits” return to the dust at death and the human “spirit” returns to God Who gave it (Ecc. 12:7). In the case of animals, it is should be understood as “breath,” but in the case of humans it should be understood as “spirit.”
Nature Of Man
Man was created and made, he is a psycho-physical totality...
Man was both created and made. The human body was made from the dust of the earth and then God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul” (Ge. 2:7). This is said to be the act of Yahweh (Jehovah, I Am). The intimacy is evident in the statement that “the LORD God (Jehovah) breathed into his nostrils.” The word “breath” is the same Hebrew word that is translated “spirit.” The Spirit of God “inspirited” man, God in-breathed the spirit to Adam. This joining together of spirit and body resulted in the soul of man.
Nature and Functions Human Nature
Nature Of Man
Man was created and made, he is a psycho-physical totality...
Man was both created and made. The human body was made from the dust of the earth and then God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul” (Ge. 2:7). This is said to be the act of Yahweh (Jehovah, I Am). The intimacy is evident in the statement that “the LORD God (Jehovah) breathed into his nostrils.” The word “breath” is the same Hebrew word that is translated “spirit.” The Spirit of God “inspirited” man, God in-breathed the spirit to Adam. This joining together of spirit and body resulted in the soul of man.
Nature and Functions Human Nature
Human nature is the nature to be human. Human nature includes body, soul and spirit.
I believe the Bible teaches that man is a Trichotomy, consisting of Body, Soul and Spirit. We find this in Genesis 2:7 and also in 1 Thessalonians 5:32, where Paul prays for the salvation of the human “spirit, soul and body.” God was not being verbose and Paul was not getting paid per word. God meant what He said and we should accept what He said.
The body is the “other consciousness”
The five senses of the human body are Seeing, Smelling, Hearing, Tasting and Feeling.
The soul is the “self consciousness”
The five functions of the human soul are Reason, Desire, Will, Emotions and Conscience.
The spirit is the “God consciousness.”
Spirit Restored Earth and Gave Life To Man
The Spirit of God was not only active in restoring order to a world in chaos, He was active in the imparting of life to the first man, and thus, the human race.
Spirit Restored Earth and Gave Life To Man
The Spirit of God was not only active in restoring order to a world in chaos, He was active in the imparting of life to the first man, and thus, the human race.