Dissolving of Soviet Union,
Collapse of Berlin Wall,
Rise of Socialism/Communism in USA,
Acceptance/Legalizing/Enshrining of Homosexuality in USA,
Ascendancy of Islam to World Domination,
Overthrow of American Ideals (built on Christian values) by the Primitive/Tribal Religion of Islam,
Rise of Libertarianism (kissing cousin to anarchy) in USA.
Bible believers saw much of it coming.
Some of these things blind sided some of us, but after we saw what was happening, the pieces fit the puzzle.
If there was ever a time to Look Up, it is now, because Our Redemption Draws Near.
Some of these things blind sided some of us, but after we saw what was happening, the pieces fit the puzzle.
If there was ever a time to Look Up, it is now, because Our Redemption Draws Near.
Luke 21:28
(28) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.