Friday, January 8, 2016


I love my country, but I am not one of those, "My country, right or wrong" people. It was wrong for Roeder to kill Tiller, but our government has approved a higher number of baby murders per day for the last 37 years, than were killed by terrorists on 9/11...PER DAY. If Roeder is guilty, USA is an abomination. Our hope is not in a Christless government.

While everyone is responsible for their own choices, the woman who chose an abortion when she was young, afraid and impressionable, and then repents of her choice is not in the same category as those who choose to abort other people's children for money, racial, philosophical or political reasons.

Too many young girls have been given bad counsel, have been abandoned to the abortion machine and have been rejected by merciless church people.

Adultery is wrong, rape and incest are wrong, and convenience abortion is wrong, but the dark force behind the scenes, pushing for sacrifices to Molech find ready merchants of death in medicine and politics.

When the Church does its job, then Molech gets fewer victims. The Church in USA failed in the mid 20th century and we are reaping the whirlwind of illegitimate pregnancies and abortions.